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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cart Chaos!

For those of you with one baby, this might not seem like something you would ever have to think about but those of us with twins (or two small children) it's something I think about ever time I take the girls to a store by myself...What kind of carts do they have?  I know...that's silly...but really with twins I need a good cart.  So here is my advice about the carts at various stores around our area:

  • Copps- By far the best double cart!  It has a pretend car with steering wheels and straps!  Best thing is that the car is up high so I can see what the girls are doing!
  • Menards- The cart has a pretend car although the one we had last Saturday was pretty beat up.  One steering wheel was missing, a big problem with toddler twins who are having a hard time sharing!  Also, the pretend car is down lower so I really can't see inside to car to see what they are doing.
  • Target- The cart has double molded plastic seats that sit up high.  Sometimes there are straps to hold them in, sometimes they are broken.  Plus no steering wheels to entertain.  Not our favorite.  But Target does have wide aisles so I usually just bring my huge side-by-side double running stroller.
  • Walmart- Another cart with double molded plastic seats (same as above).
  • Aldi- We love this cart!  Double side-by-side places for the girls to sit up high facing me!  Remember your quarter!
  • Woodmen's- This cart has a double bench with wide slats.  Better for older kids, not for us yet!

Now, word of advice...when I am alone with the girls, I first take a loop around the parking lot in the car to try to find a double cart.  If I am so lucky and find one in the parking lot, I try to park right next to it, bring it next to my car and then get the girls in it!  If I can't find one and I don't have my double stroller with me, we just go home!!!  It's just not worth it!  Now, if my husband or Grandma is along for the shopping experience, no problem! Park anywhere, grab a girl, two carts and go!  Hope this helped!  Happy Shopping!

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