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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mardi Gras Masks!

To celebrate Mardi Gras today we made masks!  I cut out two mask shapes from sturdy, white card stock. I covered it with a thin layer of Elmer's glue.  The girls then chose which sequins they wanted to decorate their mask.  We used sequins because that is what I had in my "teacher box".  But anything would work.  I was thinking stickers at first but then found the sequins.  Then girls loved shaking glitter on the masks at the end!  I loved watching how Miss M would take one sequin at a time and place it in a deliberate spot on her mask while Miss L would just take handfuls of sequins and slap them into the glue!  Twins but oh! so different!  I then added a stick for holding the mask and ribbons to make it a bit more festive!  

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