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Monday, March 3, 2014

The worst date night ever...

Some of you might be wondering why I haven't posted anything in's why...

For the past eight years or so, I have always gotten the stomach flu on or around Valentine's Day...this year was no different.  Here's the story...
It all started last Saturday night.  We had a date night planned for about a month.  We were quite excited.  Date nights when you have kids are rare.  It's not only hard to find a babysitter but expensive and sometimes we are so tired we rather just go to bed early!  But we had it all planned and the BEST babysitter was coming over in an hour.  Well, she called to tell us that her car was stuck in ice and she couldn't get it out.  Adam went downtown to help her and I was left to feed the girls dinner while trying to get myself ready.  It was crazy but they were fed and I was set.  However, when I came downstairs after getting new outfits for them (they decided to squeeze watermelon juice all over their shirts and pants during dinner), Miss L colored all over our stainless steal garbage can with a purple crayon, Miss M was STANDING on top of the art table and Dixie was eating the mac and cheese from the counter.  How that all happened in less than a minute, one will never know.  So finally Adam and the babysitterS (yes, our babysitter brings a "helper"! hey! it's twins!) arrived back at home.  The babysitters didn't eat dinner yet so we put a frozen pizza in the oven for them, got the girls all set and left.  Adam and I ordered wine and a great appetizer when I started not feeling good.  I thought that maybe I had a stomach ache because I was SO hungry.  But on the way home, it got worse.  Adam couldn't pull the car over fast enough and I threw up all over the side of the van door.  Great way to end our Valentine's date!  I ended up throwing up until 5am.  I was thankful that it was a Sunday so Adam would be home to take care of the girls but when we all woke up later that morning, he had it too!  So we called in reinforcements (a.k.a Grandma) but about two hours after coming over she had it too.  Three people with the stomach and we barely could take care of the girls!  Thank goodness they played so nice together (they must have known something was wrong!)  So we had to call in more reinforcements (more Grandmas and Grandpas) who saved the day!!!  The girls never got it...thank goodness!  P.S- The van still smells.

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