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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Crazy Day in Twin World (it's a special kind of crazy)

It's always a little crazy around here with twins but today was a special kind of crazy.  It all started actually last night when I thought it would be a great idea to make an egg quiche for breakfast the next day.  I didn't realize that it was 10 pm and it needed to bake for 55+ minutes.  It ended up to be a disaster, tasted gross and I spilled egg all over the bottom of the oven so the smoke detector was going off at 11:30 pm...good thing the girls didn't wake up!  So going to bed at midnight for the 3rd night in a row and running on 5 hours of sleep did not make for a good day today.  I think the girls are still getting over their week stay with the Grandparents because they slept in until 9am!  That totally messed up our schedule today.  The dog is totally crazy and pacing the's like she thinks we are leaving her again. Oh and I love how she thinks she needs to go outside at exactly 1:45am and 5am everyday since she got home from the kennel!   I thought that having the girls do this new fine motor activity (see the upcoming post on my blog for more info!) would be a great idea so I could get ready to take them to Target but when I was all set and told them to get on their shoes and coat, they both said "No store!".  I was in no mood to deal with two crabby kids in the rain or in Target so I didn't argue.  It just means we have no milk or dog food in the house.  So I guess the kids and dog are the happy ones today with all -day juice for the girls and cheese for the dog!  Of course, the way the day is going it only makes sense that I would be the only one eating the organic mac and cheese for lunch that I scrambled to make as I ran up and down the stairs to check on the girls playing/ tearing apart the basement playroom.  I think the only thing they ate today for lunch was 3 pickles each... whatever!  Nap was no different.  It included me pulling them out of each room upstairs that they ran into (except their own) as they suddenly went limp and screamed bloody murder which, of course, made the dog come running to see what was the matter.  Finally everyone is taking a nap, including Dixie... and I am trying to get the house back in order, cleaning the oven of egg spills, and putting the basement back together so we can start again in an hour....pray for me!

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