Blog Archive

Thursday, June 26, 2014


I was never a huge fan of the dinosaur unit in summer school but when I asked the girls what they wanted to do next, ocean or dinosaurs, they said here we are...I didn't go too crazy with it all.  Here are three things we did:

Paper plate dinosaur
For this I had the girl's color on a paper plate.  Then I helped them fold it in half.  Then we glued the dinosaur's body (which I had pre-cut) into the middle of the paper plate.  The girls then glued on the eye and legs (which were also pre-cut).

Dinosaur hat
I had many things already prepped for this craft before we even started.  First, I used a large piece of construction paper to create a paper hat. Here is a link for how to make the hats
I also had the multi-colored spikes, head and tail pieces already cut out.  The girls just needed to glue the head, tail, eye and spikes on the dinosaur.  They loved wearing the hats!  I couldn't get a good picture of them wearing the hats because we were having a dinosaur parade around the house!

Ice Dinosaurs!
The night before, I froze little plastic dinosaurs in colored water.  Then the next day I filled the water table with the ice dinosaurs and warm water.  The girls liked watching the ice slowly melt off each dinosaur!

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