Blog Archive

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fun Water Play!

Now that it's finally warm, we've been having lots of fun with water outside!  Here are three new water play activities we've tried!

Painting the Fence!
So easy to set up and it entertained the girls for a long time...bonus!  I just set out a bucket of water, paint brushes and different size rollers (I found out that the large rollers were too heavy for them but they loved to try! so I found little foam rollers for them to use!   They loved writing "letters" and "numbers" on the fence with water!

Jumping in "puddles"!
I saved old cookie sheets from my teaching days so we filled those with water to jump in for puddles!  Another hit!

Make a river!
We used a long piece of tin foil for our river. I gave the girls a bucket and two small water cans and they poured water down our river.  They liked floating seeds, grass and flowers down the river...just wish we had boats too!  We had problems with the tin foil blowing away so recently we've been using old rain gutters for our coming soon!

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