Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Carrot Painting in the Garden

We've been working hard harvesting the garden for the past week.  Instead of composting the carrot stalks, we used them to paint a carrot!  First we talked about how a carrot grows. The girls watched me as I pulled a carrot from the garden and we talked about how the orange part of the carrot grows under the ground and the green part grows above the ground.  Then I helped each girl pull a carrot from the ground.  I had made orange water color paint earlier and cut out large triangle shapes from orange paper so all the girls needed to do was dip their carrot stalk into the orange paint and then use it to paint the orange triangle.  I set up a small table in the garden next to the carrots so everything was right there .  They seemed to enjoy it as they tried to figure out how to paint with the carrot stalks as it is quite different from a paint brush that they are use too!

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