Blog Archive

Friday, July 11, 2014

And it went downhill from there...

Let me take you through a pictorial tour of our day on a typical Thursday.
It was turning out to be a pretty great day.  The whole library to ourselves, some great books to check out, a fun snack in the park.
Playing on the porch at the library!
It slowly went downhill from there...we had our FIRST skinned knee when my speed demon was running on the sidewalk and fell (although being almost two and having our first skinned knee now, I think we are doing good!)  There was blood, tears, ice and band-aid and even later in the day if we looked down and saw it, we would cry again!

Then to top it all off, we had two major milk spills within 5 minutes of each other.  The first being by the girls but them having a blast playing in it!  (I should have took a picture but I was took busy trying to wipe them down so they weren't sticky and smelling like old milk!)
Milk Spill #1
 Then the other by me...but Dixie thought she would clean it up for me!
Milk Spill #2
Let's just say I called Adam at work to stop and get more milk and paper towels!

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