Blog Archive

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Shitty Day...literally!

Warning:  What you are about to read my be gross, nasty, disgusting and downright revolting, unless you are a mom or have been a early childhood teacher.  Read at your own risk.

I was changing both girl's diapers before nap today and I was just about to put Miss L's pants back on when I smelled poop.  Of course, she decided NOW would be a great time to poop...right AFTER I changed her!  So I decided not to put her pants on and give her some time to "get the rest out" before I changed her AGAIN!  So I went into the kitchen to clean up lunch and the girls stayed in the living room playing together.  They were laughing and having fun so I just kept cleaning up.  A few minutes later, Miss L comes to gate at the kitchen doorway with something in her hand.  I look to see she is holding poop!  I quick grab her and wash her hands. As I am doing this, Miss M falls in the dining room, which is connected to our living room, and starts crying.  I look in the dining room and see that she has slipped and fallen on poop!  I look further into the white-carpeted living room and see poopy footprints everywhere!  I am still holding Miss L and look down to see poop dripping down both legs, her socks covered in poop and now I am covered in it too! Miss M had it all over her socks too!  Let's just say I scrubbed the carpet twice and bleached the floor and it still smells like poop!  An experience I will never forget!

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