Blog Archive

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Snow Play!

I wanted the girls to experience playing in the snow but we have had so many cold days here in Wisconsin that I didn't want to take them outside to play.  So I thought that I would bring the snow inside!!!  Ok... some people may think that this is crazy but the girls loved it!  I found a plastic tub and went outside to a place where I know the dog does not use for her toilet! and scooped some snow in it (we had just had a significant snowfall so it was all pretty fresh). At first, I think the girls were shocked at how cold it was.  Miss M just kept saying, "cold, cold, cold".  I think we will wear mittens next time!  I gave them some "tools" to use in the snow like spoons, spatulas, cups, etc.  The girls were entertained for a whole 30 minutes! We are going to try this again soon! Note:  Keep a towel close by to wipe the table, floor etc... things get wet fast!
Even Dixie wanted to see what was going on!

Building a snow person!

1 comment :

  1. wow - can I come and live at your house - sounds like a great place to me xoxo
