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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Typical Day in Twin World

Today was another typical day here with the twins and the crazy dog.   It all started 3 minutes after getting the girls out of their cribs.  I am upstairs and hear a huge crash.  We all come downstairs to see Dixie, our crazy Brittany, on the couch and a picture from the wall in the middle of the floor!  She hasn't been properly  exercised in few days because of the cold so she is getting a bit stir crazy.  I guess she decided that today is a good day to redecorate the family room for us!  We then proceeded into the next room for some milk before changing diapers and I had somehow forgot to put the stopper in the sippy cup for Miss L.  As I was getting diapers, wipes, etc. ready she had half of her cup of milk in a puddle on the couch!  The milk spilled all over a book, that just so happened to be thrown up on a few weeks ago.  I think that book is done! I think I have all the messes cleaned up and I can get to changing both girls.  As I unzip Miss M's footie sleeper I notice that her diaper has leaked and there is poop going all the way down both legs into the footie part of her sleeper!  Ok... so I clean her all up and get ready to change Miss L and she has the same thing going on in her sleeper too!  Really!?!?!?  Fine.  On to this point, Dixie is so upset that she has not been walked in two days that she starts taking the girl's toys outside to chew apart.  So as I am trying to get the girls things to eat for breakfast, I am running outside to grab penguins, bears and snowmen away from the dog, who looks at me like "what?".  Luckily, the art craft for the day goes well but then it's bath time.  Bath time is quite an experience around here but today was something else!  When I am alone with the girls, I set bath time up in the kitchen.  I lay towels on the floor and then get the water table out for one girl to play with as I have the other girl in the toddler tub next to her.  So as I am getting Miss M all dried off after her bath, Miss L decides to get into the tub with ALL of her clothes on and then Miss M starts to cry because her sister is in her tub!  Now we have come to lunch time, it goes ok until I get Miss L out of her high chair not realizing she has half of a strawberry in her hand, which I find smashed into the white carpet 15 minutes later.  Unfortunately, this stuff happens a lot around here and the day isn't even over yet!  When does Adam get home???  I think I will need a lot of wine and chocolate tonight!
One of the more calm parts of the day

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