Blog Archive

Monday, January 27, 2014

Indoor things to do with a crazy dog

So with all this cold weather, Dixie, our insane energy-level Brittany can't spend her whole day outside hunting for mice and rabbits, who happen to forget we have a dog and run into our fenced- in backyard.  After she stole the last blueberry pancake from the counter today and took a stuffed animal snowman outside through the doggie door, I decided it was time for some inside Dixie play time.  Here are a few things we like to do with Dixie to get her "crazy-ies" out:
1.  Run her up and down the carpeted stairs.  This is not something she just does on her own so to entice her I stand at the bottom of the stairs and throw treats up to the top step then she runs up to get it and then back down to get another treat.  After ten minutes of that, she is pretty tired.
2. Have her practice "sit", "down", "stay", "spin", "heel", etc.
3. Muffin tin game- I put Dixie on a "stay" and then I took an old muffin tin and put some treats in each well.  The girls helped me with this game today so I used pieces of cheese just in case they decided to taste Dixie's treats (and they did)!  Put a few tennis balls in the wells and then released Dixie to try to get the balls out to get the treats.  
4.  Because Dixie is a hunting dog, she goes crazy for pheasant scent.  So I put some scent (I bought mine at Farm & Fleet) on some tennis balls and hid them around the house for her to find.  Great hunting exercise!
5.  Throw several ice cubes on the floor for her to chase/ eat.
Hope those ideas help you!  End result = tired dog (see below).

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