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Monday, January 27, 2014

Same or different?

As a parent of twins, I get asked some interesting questions like "Are they identical?" (No, they are fraternal.  But they look so much alike! Well, they ARE sisters!) or "How do you do it?" (Um... I have no choice!).  But one question I don't mind answering is if their personalities are the same or different.  I can only talk about my experience but my girls are pretty different when it comes to likes and dislikes.  (But that's not true for all twins.  We just meet another set of twins at a water park this last week and their mom said they are very similar!)  Here is a list that shows how different my twins can be!

Sleep...Miss M needs A LOT while Miss L could party all night!
Animals...Miss M loves all kinds of animals while Miss L cries at almost every exhibit at the zoo!
Our Dog, Dixie...Miss M laughs when she gets licked by Dixie while Miss L cries.
Crafting...Miss M likes structured craft activities while Miss L likes open-ended messy ones!
Toys...Miss M likes playing with the kitchen set while Miss L could play doll house all day!

Those are just a few differences.  However, they are the same about other things like they both love blueberries!  And it also depends on the day.  Sometimes Miss L is more outgoing when we are out and about and sometimes Miss M is.  All in all, having twins keeps you on your toes!

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