Blog Archive

Monday, January 27, 2014

Penguin Snack

When I was a Kindergarten teacher for almost every unit we would make a snack that went with the theme. It's a great way to get kids involved in making their own food and a fun science activity. In our sensory table right now we have snow and penguins so I decided we would make a penguin snack.  The penguin snack I would make for Kindergarten was more involved including spreading cream cheese, which the girls love but I knew would be too hard for them so I found this idea instead...
We started by looking at our stuffed animal penguins and talking about their body parts...eyes, wings and beak.  Then I told them that we were going to make our own penguin!  I gave them a small plate and half of an Oreo cookie and told them it was the penguin body.  Then I broke the other half in half to make wings.  I had to show them where to put the wings.  (Luckily, we had Dad to help us as well!)  Then I gave them cut up raisins for the eyes (you can use anything for the eyes...we just had raisins in the house) and a small piece of cheddar cheese for the beak.  Then we let them eat it...I think that was the best part!  What a fun family activity! 
Our finished Penguin cute!

Miss L feeding the penguin snack to the penguin!

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