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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sun catcher Valentine Hearts

I have a lot of activities planned for today because we are having another cold snap here in Wisconsin (what's new...right?).  So the first activity of the day was Sun Catcher Hearts for Valentine's Day.  I know it's a month away but there are so many cute Valentine crafts to do!  I got the idea here
I loved this project!  It was fun for the girls and not too messy.  Here is how I made it work for us:
1) The night before, I cut two hearts out of clear contact paper that I bought at Walmart.  I also cut red, white and pink squares out of tissue paper that I also found at Walmart.  I separated the colors into three dishes so the girls could see the different colors.
2)  The next day, I peeled the paper backing off of the hearts and used tape rolls to tape the hearts to the window low enough for the girls to reach with the sticky part of the heart facing us.  I made sure I did this close enough to the time we were start the project so the dog wouldn't rip it off the window!  Although, I did find pieces of dog food and dog hair on the heart later!
3) I set each bowl out one at a time and told the girls the colors and then showed them how to put a square on the sticky heart.
4) They set right to work and almost covered each heart.  They switched hearts half-way through the project and Miss L was a little distracted when she found out that the floor vent could blow the paper pieces into the air!
All in all, a great project.  I let the girls have all the square pieces right away so they could explore and be creative.  The squares eventually were all over the floor.  If you don't want such a mess, you could give your toddler one square at a time. (not as much fun though!)

1 comment :

  1. how wonderful - moments to treasure - perhaps you could make an extra one and auction it off :)
