Blog Archive

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Draw a Town!

I finally made it to IKEA to pick up some cheap, big rolls of paper.  One fun and easy activity we like doing with the big rolls of paper is to "draw a town"!  I help the girls draw roads, houses, gardens, playgrounds, libraries, stores, etc.  Then we get our "Little People" and cars and pretend to drive around the town!  The girls love how we can keep adding to our town!  In the above picture, we added carrots and corn growing in the garden (something the girl's suggested because that's what we are going to plant in our garden this summer!) and a backyard that the baby is playing in! I especially like how Ariel is swimming in the pool with Flounder!  There are even chairs next to the pool so they can "rest" (Miss M said we should do that!)

I am by no means an artist (that's my sister) as seen in the picture below but it doesn't matter because the girls had fun and loved having me play with them!  I just love the fruit stand outside the store!

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