Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shaving Cream Fun!

One of my favorite activities to do in my classroom when I was a Kindergarten teacher was using shaving cream.  I would spray some on each desk or table spot and have the students practice writing letters, numbers, addition problems, etc.  And it helped clean the tables and desks!  So today I thought I would try it with the twins.  I used plastic trays that I bought at the dollar store to try to keep the mess at a minimum (not like that really worked anyways!) and I sprayed the shaving cream on the trays.  I think the girls were a bit scared at first.  But then they really got into it!  Miss M thought that she needed to paint with it and decided to spread it on the floor.  And Miss L thought it was funny to chase the dog into the next room with shaving cream hands!  After a few minutes (activities flow fast at our house), I gave them tractors to push through the cream.  They liked making tractor sounds. (See Miss L's face below)
 Miss M decided she was done but Miss L decided it was time to really explore the cream and sit in it! (See picture below) What a great sensory experience!

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