Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why Two Blueberries and a Dog?

I just realized that many of you might be wondering why or how I chose the name of my blog.  Well, here's the story...
We didn't know that I was pregnant with twins until I was 16 weeks (relatively late for most twin moms).  But before that I would keep my husband, Adam, updated with things going on with the pregnancy that I was reading in books or on websites.  I was about 7 weeks along when I told Adam that the baby was the size of a blueberry.  And he said "I bet there are TWO blueberries in there!".  From then until our first ultrasound he always knew it was twins (kinda weird!)  And the dog part of the blog name...of course, my crazy Brittany, Dixie! (more stories about her to come at a later date!)
Our two blueberries! 10 days old!

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