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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Dixie!

Dixie's birthday started out rough.  I took her to the dog park early this morning before Adam went to work.  The birds think that it's spring even though we got about an inch of snow last night.  The birds at the dog park fly really low along the ground and Dixie loves to chase them.  So she was chasing birds in the woods as fast as she could and came to an abrupt halt when she fell through the ice up to her neck.  It took her awhile to get out and I was about to go get her when she finally hobbled over to me.  She started growing ice crystals on her paws and had a puncture wound on top of her foot.  So we went home.

The day continued with "water park time" (bath time in the kitchen) for the girls.  I always have these grand ideas to do with the girls and then we get in the middle of them and I seriously start believing that I'm insane.  The last two days have been those kinds of days. Yesterday I decided that the girls should help me make cupcakes for Dixie's birthday.  They have helped me cook and bake other things so I thought this would be no different.  I usually give them a bowl and spoon and I put a little bit of the ingredients that I am using in their bowls so they can "experience" the materials we are using.  This prevents massive spills and other such problems.  The girls stir and mix their ingredients at their craft table and I made the real item by myself on the counter.  It was going really well until everything fell apart and they both threw temper tantrums on the floor.  Yes, they are starting the terrible 2's already and I am going crazy!  Who knows why they both threw fits this time... maybe sister was stirring the wrong way or maybe Dixie licked us (oh heavens!)!  Regardless, I still had another batch of cupcakes to put in the oven and another box to make!  Ok, back to today... bath time in the kitchen also ended in a all-out-lie-down-on-the-floor-naked-and-wet kind of tantrum and with me washing Miss L's hair while she was standing up next to the water table while Miss M is peeing in front of the gate.  I wish I could tell you that this never happens but it's pretty normal.  Seriously, why do I put myself through this kind of torture?  Why don't I wait for Adam to get home and just do bath time upstairs or bake cupcakes at night?

What we used for baking!

Stirring and mixing!
Putting liners in the muffin pan

Anyways, the day continues with Dixie eating one of her many cupcakes, her free cookie from the special pet store (also where I buy the dog cupcake box mix) and playing with her new toy.  She'll get more cupcakes and have the girls "sing Happy Birthday" to her (I really should take a video, it's hilarious) later tonight!  She's really our third child!

Dixie's presents!

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