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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Little Chicks for my two Little Chicks!

We love going to story time at the library.  We went to "Baby and Me" when the girls were only 6 months old!  We have since graduated to "Toddler Tales".  Not only is it a great learning experience for the girls, but it gets us social too (twins and mom!).  Can I just take a few minutes to brag about our library's awesome children's librarian, Ms. Lynn?  She is an amazing teacher for babies through school age (I knew her when I was teaching in the school district.)  She knows just how fast or slow to take the class and she is a wealth of information.  She knows the right book you need, cute thematic songs or crafts and the latest in educational theory about reading, which she shares with the parents during story time!  Moving on... for the last two weeks Ms. Lynn has been "getting us into the Spring mood" by doing a cute rhyme about chicks. She has cute paper chicks that pop out of eggs on her felt board.  Well, after today's story time Miss M has been walking around the house singing the Little Chicks song so I HAD to have the girls make the Little Chicks for our felt board!
Here is what I did:
  • Cut four ovals from white paper for the eggs and cut them each apart like an egg cracking and added a brass fastener
  • Cut two different size circles from yellow paper for the chicks and glued them on the eggs
  • When the girls were ready, I helped them glue on an orange triangle for the beak, an eye and yellow feather.
  • I added a piece of velcro to the back of the eggs so the girls could play with them interactively at the felt board!
Here is the song to sing/ act out:
Little Chicks
Tiptoe to the hen house, peek in the door (put your hands over your eyes like you are looking in)
See the little eggs: One, two, three, four
But when will they appear? (put your hands out like you are asking a question)
Listen! Listen! And you will hear... (cup your hand around your ear)
Peck, peck, peck and pick, pick, pick (make a beak with your fingers)
And out of the egg comes one little chick! (open the egg on the felt board)
(Sing the song again starting at "Peck, peck, peck..." until all the eggs are opened.)

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