Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sticky Daffodils!

We needed something new in our kitchen window to replace the Easter eggs and I found this idea to brighten the room up for spring!  To prepare the craft, I first cut a daffodil shape from yellow construction paper.  Then I cut clear contact paper and took off the paper part.  All of our craft supplies are in the basement, so to make this craft "move-able", I taped the non-sticky side of the contact paper to the top of a large plastic storage tub.  Then I cut yellow and lime green tissue paper into squares and put them on a tray.  When we were ready to start "working", I brought the tray and contact paper up to the table.  I first showed the girls the real daffodils that I picked earlier that day. We talked about the color yellow and counted how many petals it had.  Then I showed the girls how to take a piece of tissue paper and stick it on the contact paper.  Miss M only lasted a few minutes.  But Miss L really got into it.  I love how she even started to crumpled up the pieces of tissue paper and stick them on.  After the girls finished, I cut the flowers out of the contact paper and taped a cupcake liner in the middle of each flower. I made sure not to cut the contact paper to close to the yellow paper so I could stick them on the window.  I think they turned out cute but if I try this again I will make sure I make daffodils with 6 petals instead of 5 so they don't look like stars!

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