Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ice Painting

It's been pretty warm here lately so we decided to have an ice party!  I froze different trinkets in ice and we watched them melt and we floated ice boats but the best part was ice painting!  Here is what we did... the night before I mixed water and food coloring in ice trays and dropped a stick in each one.  Then stuck the trays in the freezer.  Because we were going to have three or more painters on this particular day I needed to create a bigger table so I used our "campfire" chairs and a piece of shelving.  (P.S- I recommend doing this outside. With the ice melting, it makes a mess.  We tried it inside this winter and it was not a good idea!)

The kids lined up at the "table" and I gave them each a container (I just use old butter and sour cream containers) with the four different colors of ice paint that I made.  It was a windy day so we found big rocks in the yard to keep the paper from blowing away.  The kids had a great time painting and of course, eating the ice!

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