Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pudding Piggies!

Today was "pig day" at our house to go along with our farm theme!  To prepare,  I drew and cut out three pigs from pink construction paper and washed all of our play, plastic pigs.  Then when Mr. J came over after school today, the girls were still sleeping so he helped me make the chocolate pudding.  When the girls woke up, I had them sit in their high chairs for this because I knew it would be messy!  I gave all three kids a bowl of chocolate pudding.  Mr. J, the 2nd grader, knew just what do but Miss L and Miss M seemed confused about why Mom was giving us a paper pig and chocolate pudding...ummm...wasn't pudding to eat, not to paint with!?!?

But after watching Mr. J for awhile, they kinda understood.  I don't know if they were still trying to wake up from their nap or what, but they didn't seem to want to get messy and finger paint the pig with pudding!  I finally gave them spoons and kitchen basting brushes to spread the pudding around on and then they thought it was fine.

 After our pigs were covered in "mud", we moved on to the second part of the "pig day", which was playing with plastic pigs in the pudding!  Some "taste testing" of the "mud" was done, but not as much as I thought would happen!

The play ended with the twins taking off their shirts and painting their bellies with pudding (picture not included!) and then a "bath" during water play at the sink, which Mr. J enjoyed as well.  Now we are just waiting for our pigs to dry and the chocolate pudding clothes to finish soaking in Shout!  But it was lots of fun for the kids and I think the pigs turned out great...they look like they rolled in the mud, just like the girls did after "pig day"!  Now as the day is ending and I am drinking my glass of wine while writing this, I'm thinking this was all a little crazy after a walk to the park with Dixie, chasing two toddlers at the park, snack at the park, lunch at Culver's, a late nap (for the girls), filling out a job application, and making an agility course for Dixie in the backyard with Mr. J but it was sure fun (and worth it, despite how tired I am)!!

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