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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rainy Day Umbrella

With all the rain we've been getting, I thought it would be a good idea to make umbrellas!  Although, I didn't know if the girls knew what an umbrella was so I decided to read a book that I used in my Kindergarten classroom when we made predictable books.  The book's text goes something like this "Rain on the green grass, rain on the tree, rain on the rooftop but not on me!".  Basically the book keeps going like that, three things the rain falls on and then "not on me!".  The girls liked the book so much that they ask me to read it to them multiple times a day and now they know when to say "not on me"!  Then I showed the girls a real umbrella.  They thought it was fun to stand under it with me and pretend that it was raining!  I even debated taking them outside to test the umbrella in the rain if it wasn't so cold!

To make our own umbrella, I cut an umbrella shape from construction paper and glued a wooden tongue depressor on for a handle.  Then the girls helped me spread school glue all over the umbrella and they stuck on different colored sequins and foam shapes for decorations.  They both loved doing this!  

We kept the book on the table when we were creating so we could talk about umbrellas and rain.  

Then I cut out raindrops from blue construction paper and pieces of string. I attached the raindrops to the string with tape.  Then the girls helped me tape the raindrops on the umbrella.  I love how the umbrellas turned out, even with the "bling"!

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