Blog Archive

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why am I so tired?

Why am I so tired?  Oh wait...maybe it's because I have two ACTIVE toddlers who seemed MUCH more active today than most days (if that's even possible!).  Think of something and we probably did it today...let's do a quick run everyone dressed, made breakfast (which was thrown on the floor), cleaned up breakfast, tore apart two rooms, packed snacks, lunch, drinks, diapers, extra clothes for our adventure, pushed a double stroller for 45 minutes through a county park on grass trails while being pulled by crazy dog who was chasing a wild turkey in 85 degree, sunny weather, had a picnic lunch (Part 1) (which was thrown in the grass), played at the playground, had lunch (Part 2) at home, nap time...a break for mommy?  Nope...picked up toys in three rooms, laundry, cleaned up lunch, unpacked the car, tilled, weeded and mulched the flower beds and garden, picked up dog poop, made brownies and watercolor paints, cleaned the kitchen, oops! girls are awake...painted in the art studio, kicked the ball, played in the garden, sandbox and water table, made dinner, cleaned up dinner, had a bath, did the bedtime routine, ok now the real fun begins!  cleaned up dinner and toys, cleaned up toys outside, watered the garden and flower beds, fed the dog... know wonder I'm tired!  Time for wine and a shower. Let's do it again tomorrow!

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